Sunday, October 22, 2006

Lesson #7 - Good progress

Today's flight really felt like the end of a chapter. I was able to, without assistance, pre-flight the plane, taxi, do the pre-flight runup, takeoff, use visual clues to fly out of the ADIZ and then out to the practice area. I handled all radio communications with only slight coaching from my new CFI. I held altitude and heading, made smooth transitions on climbs and descents. All in all, I felt in control of the aircraft, and I felt one step of the game at all times.

Today was our last lesson on learning stalls. Everything was much, much better than last time. What I enjoyed about today's lesson is that we took 15 minutes before hand to talk over everything. We discussed spins using a handheld model plane for demonstration. We discussed all of the conditions needed to enter a stall, and all of the steps to get out of them. Thankfully, the FAA does not require spin recovery for the private pilot ticket. Still, it's good to have at least discussed it.

So, out to the practice area we went. Three power off stalls, one with the plane in a shallow bank. Power to 1500 rpm, speed down to 65 knots, add flaps. Slow down to 50 knots, pull the power to idle and bring the stick back until the stall breaks. Then it was two power on stalls. Again, things were much cleaner and easier than previous attempts. I was particularly solid on catching the plane when the right wing dropped(a good way for a spin to develop).

On the way back, I was able to pick up the railroad tracks, get us set up with the ADIZ, and find the airport. Again, all in all, I feel like my basic skills have picked up nicely. Next subject matter - ground reference maneuvers.


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